Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This company found a cure for cancer. Their stock is flying.

This is a super rare opportunity that may never come again. This biotech company has finally found a cure for cancer after more than 20 years of stem cells and immunotherapy research.

They had very positive trials both on animals and humans (according to my sources) where tumors got killed at a rate of 41%

Their medicine is going to change the world once it gets rolled out in a few months. We are awaiting an official announcement form the company in the next couple of weeks, but it seems I am not the only one in the know because their stock has quadrupled since last week.

QSMG is guaranteed to hit 25 bucks a share overnight once they release their announcement to the public. You really need to think about buying shares right now before it shoots up higher.

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