Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

and I am returned...

I am returned. I have been back at home base for a couple of days, but alas! I have been lazy. My sojourn into the land of the Mormons left me drained and preoccupied. Not really, but it sounded good. I am, really, just lazy.

I lived through the four a.m. casting off. It was difficult, but I made it. Ty said to me, as we were traveling through the very dark morn, "Mom, I sure hope the sun comes up today!". See? Even a child has doubts as to the wisdom of fucking with the universe by getting up at such an ungodly hour.

Highlights of my family reunion:

*My son discovered car sickness. While he never puked in Papa's truck, he surely took a good eight years off of my life because I can't handle puke in a vehicle that is regularly used. Especially a moving vehicle that Papa is in. You haven't seen displeasure until you have seen my father when someone is unwell, not only in his vehicle but in his vicinity.
*Several thunderstorms, one kept all of the family in our little Quonset hut most of the day and it rained like a bastard all day long, complete with fear for the little ones because they couldn't stand to stay inside and lightening was hitting all around us.
*The cabin procured a little furry visitor who made his home beneath the porch. Said animal was black with white stripe upon his back and a penchant for displaying his aggravation with us by inundating us with his odor.
*Lots of time to b.s. with my dad, older sister, favorite cousin and a few shared laughs.
*Time with my older sister's kids and her son's best friend. The son's best friend -P- might come up missing soon as I, in addition to my son, have found the cutest and sweetest little blondie kid, ever. This is also the same child that tried to puke on me, IN A CAR, when I went to Elko last summer (Merce made me sit in the middle next to him, because she is a wimp. I am a wimp as well, but I'm the least strongest of us two and she would have taken me to ground and produced not only blood but a few teeth if I had insisted SHE sit next to the sick boy who was already trying to puke and had developed a gray-green color about the face.). I love him, anyway.
*The country that we traveled through. While I have seen most of it throughout my life, I can always appreciate beauty and my fingers were itching for a camera. One shot would have been absolutely beautiful. Thunderstorm sitting over a hill that we were just at the bottom of. God, it was so pretty, I can still see all of the colors in my mind.
*And of course, the family. They are all Mormons, and while I don't hold that against them, they reproduce at an alarming rate and I was immersed in a million children that I couldn't even begin to sort. I have missed a couple of them more than others and was especially glad to see my cousin, Meri. When we were little, we were always together and we got into a lot of trouble together and occasionally, you yearn for those people who knew you when you were a wee, bitty one and still love you and call you family anyway. I was enchanted by her Mini-Meri, named Kassie. Kassie brought to mind the young Meri that used to stand up with me, in front of our Granny, and get her ass chewed as well, for picking on the other cousins. I do care for all of them, but Meri, and her family, especially her dad, and her older sister, Laura are probably my all-time favorites. It's gatherings like those that remind you that life is so short and to not take those you love for granted.

I must go now, the call from the boy is getting urgent. Apparently, he thinks that I won't pick up my share of the mess in the house. *sigh*

Went in for re-pap to make sure she got all of the "bad stuff". Anxiously awaiting results. I really don't want to have to go through all of it, again. In the meantime, she put me on Prozac (!) to help with PMS. Wow, I'm a member of the Prozac nation, huh? Still undecided if I am going to actually take it or not. We'll see.

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