Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Off to embark on an adventure

Tomorrow, we leave for our family reunion. At 4 a.m. I'm sorry, do you not recognize that number?? FOUR A.M.

One person has asked me if there is really such a time. I told him that, yes, I believe there might be. I think that it's when you party until the sun comes up, it's that one period where you have drank yourself sober. Folks, that is probably the only time I have been awake at 4 a.m.... But in order to get ready to go at 4 a.m., I'll need to be up by 3:30'ish so that I may have time to start functioning well enough to drive my car to my parents house so that I may meet and get into a car with the man who is possibly going to kill me - my father.

I piss and moan, but I'll be in a car, with my dad for hours on end. And while to some, that might sound like an obscure form of Chinese torture, my dad amuses me to no end. I suppose it is because we are so much alike in some ways. But he does. The man can reduce me to tears simply by getting lost in a town with less than 200,000 people in it. Ask Merce how that goes.

So, we will be traversing across the state of Nevada and a little bit into the land of the Mormons. I haven't really said much about this because I'm not Mormon. I was, however, raised in the Mormon religion. My dad is Jack Mormon and my mom is Baptist. So neither of my parents made us conform to one or the other. It just so happened that we lived near my cousins and aunt and uncle and my uncle was (is) adamant that all of us children learn about Moroni and such. I have never taken to it, really and I could provide you with the reason(s) why, but that's a whole other post.

Anyway, you all know that Mormon's are not to drink coffee or smoke or imbibe in the devil's spirits, which, we all do. So, it'll be awkward and confusing to the children (mine especially) at first and then, one by one, cousins will filter into our campsite to bullshit with the drunk smokers. And before you know it, we'll be popular. It's happened before.

I shall return in four or five days and regale you all with the wondrous, titillating, and exciting escapades that occurred at our reunion (there IS a reason why we only go once every 9 or 10 years) and you will all be in awe and jealous of us and our "togetherness" and will insist upon becoming a member of our family. *AHEM* Single, male, tall, handsome: I might be able to accomodate you...

Take care! Later.

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