Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My God, Is It Nap Time Yet? And Do We Get Snacks?

What to say? I am so damned tired that blinking feels like a major effort? That everyone seems to have abandoned the aforementioned board, except me? That one certain girl in town seems to causing problems right and left and for some reason or another, I seem to be in the center of things?

I'm tired because I didn't sleep very well Tuesday night. When I went home with the boy, he and I ended up taking a 2 hour nap. So mama didn't go to sleep until after midnight. Last night, little sister and I had a few drinks (middle of the week stress relief) and alcohol always makes it hard for me to sleep. Seriously. It's like my system needs to filter it out before my mind will even consider closing it's doors for the evening. So, after many drunken, toe stubbing, tripping over dirty clothes trips to the bathroom, I finally start to wind down, oh about 1 am this morning. Yuck.

Yes, the president resigned and after all my kicking and screaming, for some reason I am now trying to fill out quarterly reports and going through financial statements to figure out where the hell all the money went. Not to mention stirring things up a bit by extending an invitation to the former day care provider to join us on the board. Way I see it is, who better? She knows what steps need to be taken to cover all the bases and she also knows what we, the board, need to offer a provider. So far, no disagreement from anyone. Of course, at this point, no one except for myself really cares. Oh yeah, I'm also the only one on the board who takes their child TO the day care being discussed, on a regular basis. So, yes, if I have to, I will step up to plate and make sure this thing carries on because dammit, my kid NEEDS me to. I need to have a reliable place to take my kid. So do my sister and various other ranch employees. Ah, the sacrificial lamb. That's me. Not that I have a whole lot of initiative when it comes to things like this, but I'll try. Also, that's what the new member is for. She's full of great ideas, plenty of insight, and it's a topic that she's very familiar with. I'm hoping that she'll be able to either tell me what to do or take on the job herself and STILL tell me what to do.

On to the little skank that makes my days, weekends, nights, afternoons, mornings terrible. She is a lying, conniving slut. She is the person that everyone hates, yet, we were raised to be nice and mannerly. A couple of weeks ago, she pushed me to my limit and I pushed her back, hard. She almost fell on her ass. Now, if you knew me, you would know that I'm fairly calm. Nice. I don't like fighting or confrontation (can't we all be friends??). But this girl, she's awful. Any guy that I look twice at, that I get into an ongoing conversation with, any guy that I MIGHT or might not have feelings for, presently or in the future, she is all over them. And not in a "haha you're so funny" tap the arm kind of way. But in a "I'll do things you've never even imagined if you'll just look at me" hand sliding WAAY up the thigh sort of way. And she makes me angry. She turns every night out into a competition, so it's not even fun to go down to the bar and have a few drinks anymore. And now she's slipped up with the little sister and little sister can really be unforgiving. Although, she has a tendency to love everyone once she gets drunk, but really, who doesn't? Little sister will probably forgive the skank and all will be half-way normal again. Until she pisses one of us off to the point we need to say something....again. She's awful and terrible and I am ashamed to admit that at one point, I really liked her. I really thought she was such a nice person and fun and funny. But now I know what lies behind her sparkling eyes...not much. She's all about herself. Doesn't give a damn about her kids. Hell, she even gave one back to his dad so that it would be easier for her to gad about, whoring herself around. Then she moped around for days, crying at the slightest provocation about how much she missed her kid and she couldn't believe that the ex would take her baby from her. God, I even cried with her over that. And it was a lie. She isn't even worth the internet space this is written on. I'm glad it's finally coming down on her. No one deserves it more.

Since I've spread my bile and ugliness in the few paragraphs I've wrote, I perhaps should go. Just a little look into how my head is feeling today. Hope you all enjoyed the scenery. Promise, next time it won't be so dreary. Just. So. Tired. Must. Make. It. To. Eight. To. Watch. Survivor. Thank goodness I have eastern networks, otherwise CSI would be a lost cause. Can't have that!! Toodles...

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