a quick warning about nature
My internet seems to be experiencing PMS as well as yours truly and won't let me on at crucial points in the day. As in, it won't let me do anything when I have TIME.
Quick Posting during my Lunch Hour:
I seem to have communed enough with nature that the bugs are simply beginning to think maybe they should hang out with me. Since yesterday, I have experienced a wasp buzzing my hair, a spider crawling on the front of my shirt, a different spider falling out of my shirt and crawling down my wrist, this morning, a spider dropping in to say hello as I reached for my first (full) cup of coffee and landing right beside it and a fire ant who was so apparently fond of me that he bit me on the ass (Love bites are overrated, I'm beginning to think). Or right below it, really.
While they all bug (pun not intended) the hell out of me, the worst was the ant biting me. Naturally. The others did no harm except knock a few decades off of my life, because anyone who knows me knows that Lori and bugs in the near proximity do NOT mesh well. The bite.
Ohmyfuckinggod! It hurts. Take this to heart, dear readers, should you see a few fire ants, do not set down anywhere close. Go inside, surround yourself within a circle of Raid on the kitchen floor and resume your watch with trusty can in hand. I sat down on the steps, to air up the boy's tires on his new bike, thinking that I would be ok. Well, one brave, tiny fiery red soul braved the crawl up into my pants leg and sat in the sagging fold of denim behind my right thigh (upper part, adjacent to right butt cheek) and when I stood up, he took a hold and stayed there as if his life might depend on it. Did we know each other in a past life? Anyway, do not fear. Said brave soul has now been crushed to tiny, minute bits. But do be aware! There are many more out there! And when they bite you, it hurts. A LOT. My whole leg was afire (you think that is why they are named such??), a swollen, angry red area the size of my palm was immediately affected. I took some Benadryl and it helped. Ice, as well. I am in recovery and you all will be glad to know that I survived the Great Ant Invasion of Lori's Pants - 2006. It itches like the most maddening of mosquito bites and when I touch it (GOOD LORD!!! DO NOT SCRATCH IT!!!) it burns all the way down the back of my thigh.
But I am strong and internet willing, I will survive to return and post on something less gray-hair inducing. Thank you, in advance, for all of your concerns.
Quick Posting during my Lunch Hour:
I seem to have communed enough with nature that the bugs are simply beginning to think maybe they should hang out with me. Since yesterday, I have experienced a wasp buzzing my hair, a spider crawling on the front of my shirt, a different spider falling out of my shirt and crawling down my wrist, this morning, a spider dropping in to say hello as I reached for my first (full) cup of coffee and landing right beside it and a fire ant who was so apparently fond of me that he bit me on the ass (Love bites are overrated, I'm beginning to think). Or right below it, really.
While they all bug (pun not intended) the hell out of me, the worst was the ant biting me. Naturally. The others did no harm except knock a few decades off of my life, because anyone who knows me knows that Lori and bugs in the near proximity do NOT mesh well. The bite.
Ohmyfuckinggod! It hurts. Take this to heart, dear readers, should you see a few fire ants, do not set down anywhere close. Go inside, surround yourself within a circle of Raid on the kitchen floor and resume your watch with trusty can in hand. I sat down on the steps, to air up the boy's tires on his new bike, thinking that I would be ok. Well, one brave, tiny fiery red soul braved the crawl up into my pants leg and sat in the sagging fold of denim behind my right thigh (upper part, adjacent to right butt cheek) and when I stood up, he took a hold and stayed there as if his life might depend on it. Did we know each other in a past life? Anyway, do not fear. Said brave soul has now been crushed to tiny, minute bits. But do be aware! There are many more out there! And when they bite you, it hurts. A LOT. My whole leg was afire (you think that is why they are named such??), a swollen, angry red area the size of my palm was immediately affected. I took some Benadryl and it helped. Ice, as well. I am in recovery and you all will be glad to know that I survived the Great Ant Invasion of Lori's Pants - 2006. It itches like the most maddening of mosquito bites and when I touch it (GOOD LORD!!! DO NOT SCRATCH IT!!!) it burns all the way down the back of my thigh.
But I am strong and internet willing, I will survive to return and post on something less gray-hair inducing. Thank you, in advance, for all of your concerns.
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