Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

My Photo
Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

How pathetic is this?

The UPS lady told me that there was a reason that people are always being referred to 'hot toddies' whilst suffering from the flu. The alcohol raises your internal temp and kills or sweats out the virus. So here I sit, having consumed two heavily laced margaritas, crossing my fingers that I don't develop the stomach cramps and misery that foretells of this nasty virus that is sweeping our apartment complex.

Cross your fingers, say a little prayer, not only that it works, but also that I may not become a raging alcoholic while trying to ward off vile germs...

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