Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

a night in the life of lorinty

Last night, I went out shooting rabbits with Merce and her man. Actually, there wasn't a whole lot of shooting to be done. I think S shot at one rabbit.

Really all we did was drive around and listen to music (I have my XM set up in my truck!). We rocked out to Bee Gees and Poison. We laughed a bit. Drank a bit.

Then we went to the bar.

This is how a night at the bar for Lori is.

After approximately the second drink, the phone will ring. It will be the boy wanting to know if I am ready to come home yet. Repeat after the fifth, eighth, and every drink thereafter. Although to be honest, I only drank like 4 last night and he called me like ... four or five times.

I listened to the same old stories. Met a poor kid with dread locks that was subjected to small town rednecks gawking and being mildly offensive regarding his choice of hairstyle. He was very nice and refused to let anyone get to him. I thought he was a sweet heart. The post mistress informed him that something is "dead in Delaware" when she caught scent of his hair. Really, I smelled his hair and it didn't stink to me and I have a more sensitive sniffer than most. I don't know if she thought it really stank or if she was just being obnoxious.

I met a cowboy all of 21 who was awfully proud of himself. The cowboys who brag about themselves really make the worst impressions. And from what I hear, he is more of a buckaroo than a cowboy. Which basically points at "all hat and no cattle".

So yeah. My life is boring and tame and I relish it. There is nothing like watching the sun go down from the front seat of a pickup singing along with the Bee Gees to "Stayin' Alive".

Oh, and this is a relief. I saw Tammy Faye on Larry King the other day and while I never was a fan or anything, it did break my heart to see her so small and shriveled with the heart of a lion. She was so cute talking about wanting to bite into a big juicy cheeseburger. I wish she could have had just one before she died. Poor thing.

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