Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Drama(s) within Lori's life

What to say, what to say? Shall I blog on the ongoing saga that is my life, complete with cops and tweakers, not to mention aforementioned little lying, conniving slut that makes my life hell?

Cops and/or tweakers. One was involved with the other this weekend and said tweaker is beginning to make me nervous because he is just a tad volatile and has called my dad out, wanting to settle the situation with fisticuffs, only to be taken aback when my 62 year old father jumped out of the pickup and started rolling up his sleeves. Of course, the tweaker quickly remedied the immediate ass kicking by bawling like a little kid and "Of course, I didn't mean it. I would never do that to you!!!". This last weekend, when an officer of the law saw lights out in the field, he went to investigate, only to have the headlights start bearing down on HIM at a high speed. The cop turned on his little blinking lights to let the approaching vehicle KNOW that he was a cop, and probably give them time to hide their beer. Only, the tweaker, being the highly intelligent individual that he is, casually hung his loaded rifle out of the window. WTF? I am amazed that this man is this stupid. Really. I know that there are dumb people out there, but most of them don't run businesses that they have stole from their fathers, but I mean really. Loaded rifle + cops = VERY MUCH BIG TROUBLE for tweakers. And the fact that it was in the middle of the night, in a deserted hay field is a prime set-up for getting rid of stupid people. Or at the very least for a very stupid man to get very seriously injured. In a way, I wish he had. Because someday, if he isn't killed or maimed by law enforcement before then, he will take it a step too far with my dad and I am afraid for him.

Onto said slut... My god, I am so glad that it's all crashing around her. This last weekend was a doozy and I won't go into it because it'll take to long to explain. I'll just say this, minors, alcohol and her own car. And that it was OK'd by the slut.

I'm not generally a person that snickers with glee over someone getting ostracized by small town people. I feel bad for people that have to stand alone because there is no one to back them up. But on this, I don't. Because this girl DESERVES it. She came here, to our small town and tried to just take over. Not realizing that we run on a buddy system. And when she realized that's how it works here, she tried to lie, cheat and steal friends to make herself feel accepted. Then she went about saying stuff and doing things like the above incident that end up making her stand OUT more. Oh, yeah, and sleeping with 2 guys in one week. One of them being a man I had some pretty serious feelings for and had told her that it hurt my feelings when she hung all over him, because she asked. Yet, she seems to have conveniently forgotten the conversation when I finally blew my top and tried to whip her ass. Whatever. She is getting what she deserves and the rest will follow. I have faith.

Nice, fall day here. I love this time of year. I love all of the seasons, at the beginning. It's 3-4 weeks into it that I start getting irritated by the consistency, but the beginning? So cliche to say it's like an awakening of the senses, but it is. At the start of fall, you start seeing all these different colors and the air smells so good, clean and fresh, with hints of wood smoke thrown in. The night air is brisk and I sleep with my window open, under a down comforter. I start getting my beloved sweatshirts and sweatpants out (not to be worn together, per se). I love the coziness of it all. It's only after the third week in a row of not getting above 32 degrees that I start getting impatient with it all. And all the good eatin' holidays start once fall begins. Halloween with all it's sugary bliss. Thanksgiving with the stuffing and smell of pumpkin pies. Christmas and it's most delectable cookies. Makes my stomach growl just thinking about it. For some reason, I am thinking that Christmas cookies and stuffing aren't really included in my Slim Fast meal plan and that there probably isn't a GOOD way to fit them in there. Sigh, give and take.

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