Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

My Photo
Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Monday, January 23, 2006

feel like laying you down

Every time I go to post, something comes up. Dinner, drinks next door, the friggin' ISP is telling me I don't have a valid username, password, etc... Always something the last couple of days!

I am whipped. T.I.R.E.D. This cold that we have all caught just hangs on and hangs on and makes you feel soooo worn out. My poor old dad is still fighting it off. Ty has the residual snotty face after any cold that he gets. I'm snuffling and snorting and sinuses' draining intermittently. And I have turned into a PIG. I want comfort food and lots of it, carb laden and calorie loaded. Spice cake w/ butter cream frosting and salt & vinegar chips, anyone? I am also suffering PMS-wise, although it shouldn't really be considered PMS, since it lasts during and sometimes after.

The below quiz, I found on JR's. I really don't just filch quizzes off of her site. I see these little quizzes all the time and take them, rarely do I see one that I feel like posting the results on. I suppose it comes down to taste. Apparently, our tastes run alike, in this aspect. Rock on.

My birthday is in 3 days. On the 26th, I will be 29. One year from 30 and I still feel (mostly) like I'm just barely in my twenties. Men still confuse and bewilder me. I still react before I think about it. I curse like a sailor after a trip through the monastery. I still rely on my parents advice, far too much. Likewise, their approval. I don't like to sleep alone. I don't watch scary movies because there is still the logical part of my brain, saying 'That could happen!'. I still spend far too much time at the bar, not so much getting plastered, just there, spending time and money. I suppose that's one thing to come out of my twenties, a semi-tolerance to alcohol.

That's about it and I need to get the wee one to bed, he's turned into a terror the last couple of days, so we are cutting back bedtime by 1/2 hour increments until he resumes some resemblance of the child I adore. BzBiff loaned me some rechargable batteries for my camera, so I will post pics of baby calves when I get the chance.

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