Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just like Groundhog's Day

Ah, Monday. Why everyone gets MLK Jr. day off, except us (those of us who toil and trouble over cows for a certain corporation) is a mystery to me.

I am still recovering from the weekend. Some 'weekend hunters' came over the mountains for some rabble rousing, much drinking and shooting of what we call pests this weekend. Merce, N ( broken leg and sprained ankle friend) and I cavorted and frolicked among them Saturday night and well into Sunday morning. We got home at FOUR A.M.... My god, I'm getting to old for this shit! N, who is approximately 11 years older than I am, can out drink, out last and WAY out party me. I am an old 28 year old. Almost 29 (next Thursday). It was fun and I met a guy whom I can best describe as a freaky sort of Mr. Clean, a guy who owns a bachelorette/stripper business, as a moon lighting type of foray. It was interesting, to say the least, and the closest I've ever come to taking a complete stranger home. He calls me 'Little Mama' and calls the boy 'Tex'. Yes, he met the kid. Came over twice, yesterday. The first time, I dunno, he just wanted to come and say 'Hi'? And last night to ask if I wanted to go out hunting/beer drinking with them. I, naturally, declined. Seeing as how it was 5 'til 8 and today was a work day AND I was going on like 1 solid hour of sleep, I figured it was probably necessary for my surviving Monday.

Other than that (it was pretty much the highlight of my week) there is not much to report on. Things are pretty quiet on the western front. Well, except for the weather, which fucking SUCKS! The network server (?) banned blogspot from approved websites and so I don't get to go on and visit the blogs I read every day. I was having myself some serious blogger withdrawals today.

I logged on tonight to find that fellow blogger, Rose, has logged off for a while, and should she stop by to visit, I am sending this message: I am going to call sometime this week, probably Thursday or Friday. I don't know what is going on or if it's even something. I will talk to you soon, though. Loves.

2 days left until the teenager abandons ship. The little cowboy will be so sad for the next couple of weeks. Mama will be lonely for some 'adult' conversation, but we'll return to our normal 2 person ship before too long, hopefully.

A cold is running rampant throughout our little village. And it's nasty. It caught up to Ty last week and it's catching up to me, I can feel it breathing down my neck. Sore throat, fatigue, and a stuffy nose. I don't, however, have the nightly recurring nasty cough that Ty does. He gets pretty croupy at night time and the vaporizer runs full steam all night.

Currently, I am thinking about legally changing his middle name to 'The Most Fucking Obnoxious Kid I Have Ever Known'. I do love him, I promise and I treat him, generally, like the greatest gift that I have ever received, which he is. But MY GOD. The mouth on this kid the last couple of weeks! ARGH. I am hard pressed to not BEAT him. Beat as in absolutely throttle him to the point of not stopping. I curse a blue streak and I'm sure that it'll come up in therapy 30 years from now as to why he is secretly hostile towards women, but really. I could care less at this point. Oh, and we'll add some serious PMS symptoms to the whole back talk thing, mix it with cold symptoms and try to not burn it over the fires of all my other 'issues with people and life'. I, myself, am seriously thinking I might need some therapy.

But, rest assured. Tonight, when all is quiet and we are lying in bed, I will read him the Dr. Suess alphabet book and we will giggle and he will recite the parts he has memorized. And I will turn to him and tell him 'Good Night' and how much I love him and will apologize for losing my temper. And he will tell me that he is sorry for back talking and we will make promises to each other to not do it anymore and tomorrow when I come home from work, we will revert to our normal cranky selves and I will wonder why it was I ever thought being a single mom would be OK. Nice to know that there is some routine to my life.

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