Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Friday, February 17, 2006

sick kid and a cranky mother

Today I am sitting home with a sick kid, it's 9:02 a.m. and he is already making me insane. He wants to go out and play and run, and it's snowing. I understand that he hates being stuck inside, how does he think I feel having to be stuck here with him? But I really don't think it is beneficial to his terrible cough and constantly running nose. I told him that if he is well enough to play outside, he is good to go to daycare. He was NOT happy. Currently, he is trying to stab me with a straw in hopes that the fear, alone, will make me cave. God, I hate being home with a sick kid. As boring as my job can be and as much as I hate it at times, I would MUCH rather be there than here. Unless he was really sick and just needed cuddles and sleep. Then it wouldn't be so bad.

Clint, the broken neck friend, was charged with felony assault, apparently he threw a TV at his wife (ex?). At least that is the rumor. I haven't talked to him, but I talked to the DA's office and his bail is set at $50,000. Sheesh. Idiot. I'm sure he's feeling quite foolish and idiotic himself and so when I see him, I will try to NOT make so much fun of his situation. Although, I will allow myself a moment's gratification of "I told you....". I love it when I'm right. However, since he is my friend, and a pretty good one at that, I really wish I hadn't been right about this.

When I was 18-19, I trained and worked for a domestic violence hotline and safe houses. I was always astounded by the mindset of the abused. How could they keep taking it? How could they keep going back? What would it take to make them realize that while life without a partner might be lonely, it's far better than being smacked around on a regular basis? And, you know, I say that because the number of people who would say, "Well, I don't want to be alone" always, and still does, dumbfound me. Uhhh, what about being in a coffin? Not like your 'beloved' is going to be lying six feet under, snuggled in tight with you. Yes, being without a significant other is lonely, but for God's sake, it isn't as bad as people think. My head is still stuck on people who would rather be beat than be alone.

Anyway, I did have a point with that last paragraph, I just got sidetracked. Clint, my friend, is one of those who consistently believes 'it' will be better this time. She apologized, there are kids to consider... he has a million excuses and I truly do believe that it comes down to: he doesn't want to be lonely. I know that he gets lonely and I know that it is hard for him, but he'd have a MUCH better chance of finding someone if he'd put the beer down and get control of his life. Before he ends up in prison over that rotten witch. He is a nice man. Witty and intelligent. Compassionate. He is always after me for being mean about people and while he understood the whole "butt-hurt" thing, he would always tell me "I just think that there is something seriously wrong with the chemistry in her brain or something within her that is broken and you can't really blame someone for a mental deficit, can you?". Most of the time, I told him that he was full of shit and could say whatever he wanted, but he wasn't changing my mind. I do see what he was saying, but I do think she has more control over 'it' than he thinks she does. Plus, he always goes the way of the underdog, it's just the way he is and one of the things that I love about him. *sigh*

Other than that, winter has returned. This morning, we have snow and freezing ass temps. Up north, in the city that we were in last weekend, the wind chill is like -29 or something and a low of 1 degree. Nice. It's not quite that bad here. Thank God, I'd be even more cranky than I am already. Kid just smashed his fingers in my tool kit. After a million and one warnings to stay out of it. Hard to be sympathetic when I feel like whipping his ass for opening it in the first place. Amazing how they have their boundaries about their stuff, but mom's stuff has none. Or none at least in their mind.

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