Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Part of Me

So, tomorrow is my birthday.... What shall I post about????

29 things i love about ME!!!!!


1. My sense of humor
2. My ability to turn anything into sarcasm
3. My laugh
4. My fingernails
5. My lips
6. My own eyes
7. When my hair is all curly and semi pretty
8. When I straighten my hair and it's so sleek and shiny
9. My ability to laugh at SpongeBob
10. My intelligence
11. My ability to do this and only be able to think of 10 things, for gods sake....

So, yeah, that's it. I suppose I would add, I love my son, my loyalty, my gut instincts and my life (for the most part, when it's not all fucked up and messy, which is rarely!). Nice project in self-esteem this was, huh?


29 things I love

that's better, right? Not quite so... Not me.

1. My son
2. My family
3. My life
4. Cowboys
5. Anything cowboy-ish
6. Dogs
7. Cats
8. Calves
9. Any sort of baby animals
10. Babies
11. Salt and vinegar chips
12. BBQ'd hot dogs wrapped in tortillas
13. Music
14. Reading
15. My down comforter
16. CSI: Las Vegas
17. MTV
18. Big, comfy mugs of coffee
19. My TIVA flip flops
20. Yoga pants
21. Hot baths
22. Oranges right out of the fridge, peaches, too
23. Thunderstorms
24. Midnight
25. My friends, real, true, friends
26. The smell of Cedar Pledge
27. Watching the boy make people laugh
28. Lavender and Vanilla Downy
29. The feeling of crawling into freshly cleaned sheets at the end of a long, hot summer's day

So that there is some of me. It started off crappy. Hopefully, what's there isn't too retarded.

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