Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are, or aren't. Aspiring to be, used to be. I hope that you all had a nice one. One that involved sitting back and remembering.

Tonight, the boy was sitting on my lap, resting his head on my collarbone and I recalled a time when he would do that and his feet barely reached my lap. Tonight, his legs dangled down alongside my own, feet touching the floor.

It happens so quick and so slowly, all the same. One moment, they are smiling and drooling and the next, they are yelling at you "I don't WANT to go to bed" and drooling, if you have a drool bucket child such as mine. One moment they are falling asleep in the tub, atop their bear shaped huge bath sponge and the next, they are using all of the shampoo to wash the short, thick hair that barely conceals the skin underneath. Really, I think it's for the bubble quotient.

I can't hardly stand it. It slips by so quick. Getting lost in all the day-to-day minutiae. Swallowed by the rush of getting to work on time, of getting dinner done and the laundry washed. Slipped between hours of rushing home from work, sitting down to go through the bills, vacuuming and sweeping floors. Basically, lost amid the chaos.

And then, in one moment, with sun streaming in the screen door and slanting across, it comes to you. Little boy skin covered in goose bumps brought on by the breeze coming through the window. Smell of Baby Magic hovering about. Mother's love vibrating on the air. You remember what it was like and you mourn for those lost moments. You think of what it will be like and smile at what you hope the future will be.

It's a hard, cold reminder to slow down and cherish what it is, now. Because tomorrow, it will be different. And next month, he'll be FIVE YEARS OLD. And in two months, he'll be taller and tanner and his hair will be blonde and we'll have slipped from the four year old Ty to the mightier five year old version. My God, so fast.

The older sister was here this weekend. I was/am so glad that she was here. It's just so damn hard to say 'goodbye'. May her guardian angels be traveling the way home alongside her.

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