Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Redneck and Republican and loving it!!

Let me preface this by saying: I love Sally Field. I love Brothers and Sisters. It's probably one of my favorites and I spent all last season gazing at Sally Field and worshipping her role as matriarch who is both adored and revered.

I remember first seeing her in Norma Rae. Who could forget her standing on the table at the , holding her 'Union' sign, refusing to leave and having to be man-handled out by 4 men? I was in awe, and to a degree, I still am.

However. That link? An appropriate response to Sally Field's "If mothers ruled the world, there would be no war" comment at the Emmys. In my humble opinion, it's an appropriate response, at any rate.

There is a soft spot in my heart for mothers whose children have not only gone off to war, but even more so for those who have lost their children IN war. My heart breaks for them each and every one a thousand times over. BUT... these children? They CHOSE to enlist and they knew the chances. They CHOSE to represent their country and while it isn't fair or right or even remotely OK, they went knowing that it was a possibility and still, they chose.

I am a patriot, through and through. I get teary eyed hearing the National Anthem. I salute the flag and have the utmost respect for veterans of any age. I have taught my son to remove his hat and to stand still and pay his respects to those who have made the choice to represent our country by donning a soldier's uniform and to reflect and pay respect to all that occurred before us to make this great Nation ours.

I get that people disagree with the war and you know? I do, too. To a degree. I agree that our soldiers have been in Iraq for long enough and should come home. Do I agree that we shouldn't have ever gone in the first place? I don't know. Part of me says that maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved, but the logical part of me (that rules ALL my decisions) says that if we HADN'T got involved, we would have been up shit creek before too much longer. Do I support the war? Yes and no. Do I speak out about any disagreement I might have about the war? No.

This is why: I am a patriot to the core. I love, support and defend my country. While the decision to keep our troops there, in Iraq, doesn't sit well with me, I support it because it is what our President decided and to flog his decision, or rabidly protest our involvement, I feel that I would be disrespecting our soldiers, our country and flag and, to me, that's treason. You can disagree, but to flout your anger at/with our government all over the news (Cindy Sheehan, you should be ashamed) seems to be a slap in the face to all those who CHOSE to fight for and/or with their country.

Last year, at the Labor Day fair in town, during the National Anthem, there was a man, a woman and their teen aged children who refused to stand during the National Anthem. They were sitting one row down from me and it was all I could do not to physically show my displeasure towards them. I was so angry that a person would dishonor MY country that way while in my country, I wanted to push them down the stairs.

I have never claimed to be anything but a Redneck, but make no mistake, I am a patriotic Redneck who also happens to be a fairly liberal Republican.

And to anyone who might disagree with me (I'm sure there are a few!!) I realize I might not be your cup of tea. Guess what? You might not be MINE either. But I get it, we're all different and I judge not on politics.

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