Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Sweet Sound

Guess what I am doing right at the moment? Well, besides sitting on the computer reading all of the delicious celebrity gossip....

After a day of travelling through temperatures of 103 degrees, we arrived at Missy's. We dumped the kids on her oldest (he later took them to a movie, all by himself and we didn't even ask!!) and then, we went to the bar. Missy played pool while I sat and watched.

The dynamic of a 'regular' bar as opposed to the one at home is considerably different. I could have sat there all night, just watching people, if I hadn't been so damned tired and hungry. We went and ate after she completed her pool tournament tasks and after that...

We went and watched karaoke at a bar which I figured was a biker bar due to the high attendance of men and women with leather vests, bandannas and a variety of Harley's parked in front of the door. We had a front row seat next to the stage and enjoyed several people wailing away.

I joke, but seriously, it takes some balls to get up there. I know that I couldn't unless I was very drunk and knew everyone there (like all two people) very well.

As I sat and watched, I noticed the human mannerisms that I can identify with and use, myself. I could tell that the biker chicks were scared and embarassed (although they came back several times, once to butcher one of my favorite songs by the Judds) and then, the slightly overweight, drunk girl kept coming back for more and while she couldn't sing worth a shit, she was having a ball. She smiled and laughed and danced around, while one of the biker chicks stood facing the wall and barely moved. The men were even funnier.

Anyway, we came home about 10:30 and hit the bed. Sometime during the night, I heard a noise. What was that? The hesitant drip-drip. Oh my god... It is RAIN!! At home, we haven't seen rain for... ever. And it's been raining since about midnight. I love it. LOVE IT. Although I was going to straighten my hair today and now I can't because I don't want to wear that half curly, half straight, straggly homeless look.

Anyway, I just had to brag about the rain and people from back home, they get where I am coming from because it is DRY, folks. Bone dry and fire season and to sit here while it just patters on the sidewalk outside... Well, it's a sweet sound.

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