Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Catching Up, Heading Out

Today, I am officially on vacation. Thank God.

My sister arrived last Wednesday (today is Tuesday) and I don't think we've hit the standard bedtime, once. We started partying Thursday and didn't stop until Sunday. That might sound like a short bit of time for most of you, but for us old ladies that go to bed at 9:00 on the weekdays and only stay up a tad bit later during the weekends, THAT IS A LONG time.

There were bar fights, a rodeo in triple digit heat, cowboys galore, a Civil War re-enactment, lots of grubby little boy faces, a few tears, aching feet and $70 in tips.

My sister, BzBiff and I worked at the bar on Saturday night, pouring drinks to the already intoxicated. The benefits of being sober while working at a bar full of drunk cowboys are self explanatory. There was lots of Wrangler watching. Of course, the drunker a cowboy is, the more he flirts and naturally, that's always FUN FOR ME.

The boy showed his true nature this weekend. I tried to warn my sister, and yet, she did not believe that he is a spawn of Satan. He had a good weekend. He met his great-grandfather on his dad's side. They spent oodles of time together and by the time his ggf left, they were completely enamored with each other. Ty spent lots of time at the chutes, pushing cows and of course, he was in his element. He spent almost all of the time at the rodeo there behind the chute, hot shot in hand, until his Papa made him leave. He was quite disgruntled that Papa made him leave just when the roping horses were coming up the alley. Yes, we watched cowboys rope horses. An exciting event.

Anyway, it was dusty and dirty and long and hot and while I was somewhat snippy most of the weekend, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Making memories. I adore having my sister here. Especially now that we have the truck and we can cruise along in the twilight, watching the sun go down and enjoying the soft quiet of the country. I think she likes it, too.

And now, I am off to Nevada for a couple of days before I head to Mormon country for family reunion. I am so glad to have a few days off so that I can readjust to normal life. These crazy weekends screw me up so bad, I am pretty much a walking zombie.

I will be back in a week. Toodles.

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