Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Day After

Ah, the day after... I'm sure there are people all over the place regretting something they've done the day before, be it family squabbles, the chronic loneliness that seems to pervade some and resulted in a one night stand (why is it that being single seems SO pronounced on holidays?), too much drink, too much food.

As Ty and I were walking into the house after being at Nana and Papa's all day, he summed it up: "Today was an awesome day". Well done, my child. We cooked, we laughed, we played poker with my dad for white beans, we ate, and to cap it all off, we watched CSI: Las Vegas. It can't get better than that.

I didn't overeat to the point that I was uncomfortable for the rest of the night, only for a couple of hours or so. And really, I could do without the turkey, it's the green beans with sauteed mushrooms & onions, mixed with bacon and Cheese Whiz that I wait for. I'm sure it's so laden with calories and fat that my heart must be glowering at me, but my god, it's so good, I could bathe in it. Of course, mom's homemade stuffing isn't anything to sneeze at, either. But really, it's the green beans I'm there for.

Funny comment. We were watching CSI and this guy ate himself to death. The coroner was telling the investigators that a normal stomach holds up to one liter, an overly stretched one, maybe 4 liters, but this guy had consumed 6 liters of food 2-4 hrs. before his death, resulting in asphyxiation because he couldn't breathe once his stomach had pushed up. And then cut to commercial. My older sister quipped "20,000 people just went to the bathroom and threw up." No kidding.

She leaves today. I hate it. It makes me cry when she leaves and my heart hurts with an awful severity for a while after she leaves. It always makes me so sad and lonely for her when she goes. I hate that she lives so far (6 hrs.) away and so hard to get to. I hate that sisters who are this close, in a day and age where "family" just doesn't mean what it used to, I hate that we only get to see each other 3 or 4 times a year, if we are lucky. But, as I've said before, I like where I'm at. I like what I do. And to be closer to her would mean a whole new lifestyle. Someday I might move there, but not anytime soon. And them moving closer is just not an option. In a perfect world, neither of us would have to choose. In a perfect world, one or the both of us would win a billion dollar lottery and just go ahead and live where ever in the hell we wanted, work nothing but a memory. I suppose a person would have to actually PLAY the lottery in order to win, huh?

Well, I better be off. I've made her some CD's for the long trip home. Whenever I leave her house, or send her off, I try to leave a little piece of me with her, to appease the sadness that I know plagues her as well. She usually cries too, she just waits until I'm gone or she's down the road before she does it. Godspeed, Miss. May angels guide your way home and keep you safe.

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