Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thanksgiving always makes me sit and think of all that I have to be grateful for. And it's quite a bit. Mostly they are things that everyone takes for granted:
My family
My friends
My health
The roof over my head
The fact that I have a job
But there are things in each of our lives that make them our lives and they set us apart from one another, yet they are no less than what anyone else is grateful for. Although I could have some issues with people who are grateful for innocent children to prey upon or old people looking for financial stability...
What I am REALLY thankful for that gets overlooked so often:
That I can see... Sunrises and sunsets, Ty's legs getting longer and that look in his eyes right before he laughs.
That I can hear... His laugh, him saying "I love you, too Mom", music, crickets, thunder, rain on a tin roof.
That I can laugh, long and loud and at myself
That I can appreciate the value of "I'm sorry", not only in others but in myself.
That I can get in a car and drive at night and feel the weight of the world lifting from my shoulders.
That lil' sister is only 3 doors down and when I need her, she can be here immediately.
That the older sister and brother will come as fast as they can, if need be.
That our family loves one another, despite all the short answers and curt nods.
That my Uncle K didn't die.
That this girl Sarah will have an awesome support system if (when?) she loses the twins. She is 23 wks. pregnant and went into labor this morning. They stopped the labor, but after finding an infection, were thinking of inducing it again. And at 23 wks., they don't think the twins can be saved.
That the neighbor - N - came through surgery just fine.
That my friend - Clint - didn't have to have surgery and that through stupidity, didn't die.
These are just a few and I'm sure that I'll think of more. I hope that you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and that you take a few moments to remind yourself of what you really are thankful for. It makes life so much richer.
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