Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

merry sunshine

So, I talked with the Dr. about all of these 'womanly' issues I am having. Faint of heart, look away, I say. I went in on March 9 and did the colpo, well it came back high risk, which my normal ob/gyn told me that if I hadn't come in for my check-up and just blew the whole thing off, more than likely would have turned into cervical cancer within the next 2 years. So, on April 17th I am going in for a LEEP procedure. Oh wonderful day that will be. I am not really as scared as I come off. She told me that she has had several patients who say the LEEP is not as bad as a colpo and for me, the colpo was cake. In fact, I think I'd rather have a colpo than my period. My periods are painful terrible, long, drawn out adventures. That is, when they actually COME. They are sporradic, at best, and it's a guessing game as to when they will actually arrive. The doctor wants to do the LEEP right after my period ends, so we tentavely scheduled the 17th of April when it could just as easily be the 7th or the 30th. *sigh* I love being a woman.

Good joke last night:
I have no problem with men marrying men, women marrying women, and women having abortions. BECAUSE within the next few generations, the democrats will be wiped out.
Author's disclaimer: I really don't have anything against democrat, I am, however, a staunch republican, and it's an age old battle betwixt the two...

Local deputy joined our table last evening and proceeded to get smashed. he told us that joke, and I was surprised to hear all of his little quips throughout the evening. He can hang with us big dogs, that's for sure and he made us drink Kamikazee's. Blech. I swear I tasted gin in it. But maybe not. Awful tasting things, though, and I LOVE limes. Anyway, he's human after all, and a really funny one at that, for being a cop.

Today is the start of spring cleaning for me. I started at the office, but the other night, I ate a couple of pieces of a sampler that sat on top of the pizza oven for a couple of hours over the recommended time alloted for reheating and I was not a well person on Thursday. I wanted to puke but couldn't and it just sat there, making me miserable all day long. Top it off with a 4 year old who has cabin fever; one long day.

But I'm better now, my house needs cleaned. I'm starting with the boy's room. I was hoping to get to a town today because he needs a nightlight in there. The other night, he decided that he was going to sleep in his room because Momma bought him some new cowboy bedding and he was so excited to try it out. I tucked him in and laid down to chat with him for a few minutes and he said to me in a little quavering voice "It's ok mama, I'm a brave boy. You can go now." I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up a little over it. And a few minutes later, laying in my bed, reading "Mama, I'm scared" in a tiny voice, trying not to stir all that scares him. So, he came back to bed with me and there he remains until I move around the furniture in his room so he can look from his bed to mine and rest assured that mama will save him from big hairy spiders, fires and any monsters coexisting underneath his bed. I'm also going to put up small white Christmas lights around his ceiling so that it's all soft and magical. Hopefully that will soothe him enough to sleep. My heart was breaking for him when he called out because I knew that he was embarrassed for having to call for mama and that he put it off as long as he could, my little angel. He is so wanting to be a 'big boy'. And his independence grows every day.

I was thinking, that night, after being so sweetly reassured by my 4 year old, that the learning for a parent never ends. First, you are learning to deal with a little one, constantly demanding your time, energy, your life's BLOOD. You are learning to handle their dependance on you. And then once they start hitting their feet, it's learning to let go. And you are learning just how much rope they need, all their lives long, until the rope is then again, pulled tight and you are pulled back together, only to be learning how to deal with your own growing dependence on THEM. Kind of a depressing thought, really.

So, with that Merry Sunshine thought, I think I'll go and start my cleaning, before I'm too goddamned old and have to rely on him to clean my house!!! haha

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