Never Forget

I will never forget the horror and tragedy of that day.
Please go and visit this site. Sign the guestbook. Don't forget. Let their loved ones know that we still think of their friends, spouses, sons and daughters. Let them know that while we can't imagine their loss, that they should be reassured that all of our lives were touched, in one way or another, on that day, this day, five years ago.
There is another site I want you all to see: Healing Field. It is amazing and touching and the survivor (victim) stories under responses, well, they are horrifying and make me unable to breathe.
Lori,As you know,You, Dad & myself watched 911 as it unfolded.We were all more or less in shock that anything so evil could happen here in our homeland.I took it very hard---later finding out,that a person that had been abused,felt like they were being abused again!That helped me come to terms with it a bit.I've seen war--and what it does,many of my classmates went to Vietnam--a lot came home in boxes.Some were maimed beyond recognition.That war was not ours to fight--but this one is.And I feel the FIRST soldiers to die in this war,were in the planes--in the towers-in the pentagon--and last but most certainly not least in a large hole in a beautiful pasture in rural Pennsylvania.I don't feel this war will end in my lifetime-it will be a nonstop war for MANY years.Sometime I wander if it will ever be over? Religion (or what they percive the koran to be) is a powerful force to these zealots and it will keep pushing them to kill,until they feel everyone is willig to become Muslims. Not REAL muslims but,what they percieve as such.Like you, that day put a rememerance into my head and my heart that can never be remove or cured.I find that not a day goes by,still--that the images of 911 come into my vison somehow.And I can't explain it;But I hope the vison never stops.It reminds me of the reason are forefathers came to America in the first place--to practice whatever religion they chose to practice without the fear of tyranny nor prosecution,and to live in Freedom! Something these zealots do not understand,and for some reason,do not want us too have--As the French & English tried to take from us--which they could't do--and something I hope will never happen! As for me I WILL NEVER FORGET!I will never let my guard down!I will never forget to pray for those first soldiers and thier famlies!And I know that it might sound horrible to some,but I rejoice everytime we capure or kill one of these recreants that hide behind women and children to kill. May NONE of us EVER FORGET!
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