About Me
Since I am so original and all, I stole this from a blog that I am going through the archives on;
I AM a mother, a sister, daughter, friend, an aunt, an ex-wife, a lover, joker, midnight smoker.
I WANT to know that I am doing all that I can to make sure Ty grows up to be a solid, mature, responsible individual.
I WISH I had all the answers.
I MISS my Granny, being a kid, being innocent, my older siblings, the feel of my dad's hugs when we were little kids.
I HEAR children's laughter, the Italian singing "This is the night" on Lady and The Tramp, the hum of the fish tank, Boots talking my ear off and thanking me for her Princess costume.
I WONDER what life will be like when Ty is an adult.
I REGRET all the times I kept my mouth shut and didn't stick up for myself when someone made me feel bad.
I REJOICE in the fact that I'm no longer a doormat.
I AM NOT tolerant of ignorance, immaturity in an adult, cruelty or hate.
I DANCE when I hear Run, Runaway by Slade or SexyBack, I DANCE in the kitchen, in my socks so that I can slide and when I DANCE, I shake my hips, A LOT.
I AM NOT ALWAYS on time, nice, patient, happy, confident, loving, or quick.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS bubbles in the boy's hair, the dog wiggle in happiness when I scratch her belly, wild gestures in the air when I am talking on the phone and otherwise.
I WRITE when I can, what I can, when the mood arises and an occasional poem or toast.
I CONFUSE happiness with routine, and "I'm sorry" with sincerity.
I NEED to get out of debt by next year, so that I can sell my car to the girl and get a new vehicle.
I SHOULD stop smoking, sleep more, exercise more, eat less, quit cussing (especially in the vicinity of my too-smart, smart-ass kid).
I START liking someone, only to find some benign, stupid thing (like a butt that is too big) that totally throws me off my game and I lose any attraction, even to those men that I find incredible, otherwise.
I FINISH relationships by pushing people away before they can push ME away and then I mourn the loss of them.
I AM a mother, a sister, daughter, friend, an aunt, an ex-wife, a lover, joker, midnight smoker.
I WANT to know that I am doing all that I can to make sure Ty grows up to be a solid, mature, responsible individual.
I WISH I had all the answers.
I MISS my Granny, being a kid, being innocent, my older siblings, the feel of my dad's hugs when we were little kids.
I HEAR children's laughter, the Italian singing "This is the night" on Lady and The Tramp, the hum of the fish tank, Boots talking my ear off and thanking me for her Princess costume.
I WONDER what life will be like when Ty is an adult.
I REGRET all the times I kept my mouth shut and didn't stick up for myself when someone made me feel bad.
I REJOICE in the fact that I'm no longer a doormat.
I AM NOT tolerant of ignorance, immaturity in an adult, cruelty or hate.
I DANCE when I hear Run, Runaway by Slade or SexyBack, I DANCE in the kitchen, in my socks so that I can slide and when I DANCE, I shake my hips, A LOT.
I AM NOT ALWAYS on time, nice, patient, happy, confident, loving, or quick.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS bubbles in the boy's hair, the dog wiggle in happiness when I scratch her belly, wild gestures in the air when I am talking on the phone and otherwise.
I WRITE when I can, what I can, when the mood arises and an occasional poem or toast.
I CONFUSE happiness with routine, and "I'm sorry" with sincerity.
I NEED to get out of debt by next year, so that I can sell my car to the girl and get a new vehicle.
I SHOULD stop smoking, sleep more, exercise more, eat less, quit cussing (especially in the vicinity of my too-smart, smart-ass kid).
I START liking someone, only to find some benign, stupid thing (like a butt that is too big) that totally throws me off my game and I lose any attraction, even to those men that I find incredible, otherwise.
I FINISH relationships by pushing people away before they can push ME away and then I mourn the loss of them.
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