and so it begins

In the last three weeks, my son has not only started school, but lost his first tooth. I love this picture. His lumber jack shirt, the beginning of a jack o'lantern smile and his big ears, sticking out to the side. Adorable.
He's wearing his lumber jack flannel because we, seriously, saw snow yesterday. Four days ago, I was sweating and had the air conditioner on. Now we're dusting off the thermostats and running the furnace. When I got up this morning, I went to let the dog out and could see some serious frost blanketing the yard. That time of year. I love it. The hint of coldness on the breeze. The smell of woodsmoke drifting up from town. The cold, clear mornings with skies so blue they almost hurt your eyes. I love it for now. Give me time. I'll get sick of it.
That's about all in the world of me. I am just plodding silently along. In a buoyant mood because of the Prozac, which I'm still of two minds over. I know that it makes me a happier person and more positive and just more fun to be around. But I've never been an advocate for medication of any kind, much less one that will mask your true feelings. Although, surprise, surprise, I can still get angry and I can still cry, so I don't feel as abnormal as I expected to feel. It's just when I get angry or cry, it doesn't come on as easily as it used to and I stop and think about whether it really makes me angry or sad or if it is just a knee-jerk reaction. I go on and on about this like I was put on the Prozac for a real, ongoing sort of problem, which I wasn't. I asked about it for the terrible PMS mood swings and monthly letting loose of the beast that rages within. She told me I could take it all month long, if I should decide or I could just take it right around my period. I noticed such a difference, within myself, though that I decided to give it a go for at least a month and see how it works out. Like I said, I'm enjoying life on this side of the fence. Tomorrow, I might change my mind.
Today, the boy and I were going to go to the city with BzBiff, but decided to stay home. He's catching the first of the five thousand colds before Christmas when a child is exposed to classrooms. And it's just been a long week. Resplendent with nightmares and late nights, otherwise. Besides the fact that I took him to work with me yesterday and really, truly, I cannot be trapped in a vehicle with him today, as the Prozac might not be man enough to hold off against that. Really, I do love him but being trapped in an office for 8 hours with him on Friday and turning around and not only taking him traveling but SHOPPING the next day, might end up with someone getting hurt. At least their feelings being trod upon. And with the current crankiness of a cold coming on, I exaggerate not. Anyway, my point is and I DO have one: I feel badly. For BzBiff, the most fun of traveling partners has always gone with me to my many doctor appointments with nary a hesitation. And here I sit. I should have gone and BzBiff, know that I do feel like a shite-heid. I could have sacrificed peace and gone. Ah well, I will buy you dinner, sometime, K? Hope all was well on your trip.
I'm off to find where the boy and his shadow, also known as 'the dog', here at LorinTy, have taken off to and rummage around for some sort of sustenance. The chicken fried steak of last evening has worn off and I'm HUNGRY.
Take care, all.
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