Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

what a grand post for the one year mark!

I've hemmed and hawed and debated over what to write as a late anniversary post. But try as I might, when I feel the need to be creative and have a spark, it just doesn't sprout forth on demand.

Right at the moment, I am half drunk, half high on the endorphins that seep into your system after an intense exercise session. I rode my bike as hard and as fast as the dog could run. And there were many moments she was left in my asphalt dust. She is currently lying under the table praying that she might die soon so that I will not torture her anymore. God knows, I should quit exercising her and start feeding her more human food so that she won't be able to crawl over the fence anymore, the cat killer.

Oh, yes. In the last week, she has acquired the notion that she must protect our household from all things feline and when I open the door to a poor kitty hanging limply from her mouth while she wags herself stupid, it's hard to not freak out. She is so proud of her accomplishment that she is probably wondering why I haven't ordered a parade in her honor. At the very least, a street naming event. The boy is rather horrified by it, as well as myself. But, not a lot I can do. And since they are all wild cats and have a tendency to act like they are ready to rip your eyes out if you make visual contact with them, I tend to not make a big deal out of it. At least she has something to occupy her time? I know, I know. The cat lovers/dog haters out there are aghast at my flipancy with it. I assure you, I love cats as well and I feel badly but there isn't a lot I can do. They have teased her mercilessly, through the screen door and eat her dog food while she is lazing about in the sun. She's reacting normally, although, this IS a recent development. The dog will be 11 years old in December and up until last week, I don't think she has EVER killed another animal.

A whole year blogging. Wow. I am amazed at myself. I didn't think and I still don't think that I could find enough to write about to keep it going. Good thing I like to talk a lot, huh? It transfers itself into blogging, I suppose. I am constantly amazed at these bloggers who have been doing it for eons. Where do they find the subjects?

I survived my first run-in with Pepper's girlfriend. She looks alright, a little pale and a little frailer than she was. But she looks good and her spirits seem OK. It's a lot more than I expected, only a little after a month after living through one of the worst things to ever happen to a person. I will go and visit her this weekend and take her a copy of the toast I wrote for him that we used to toast him on the day of his funeral. She's already heard about it, so I can't hide it and she asked to read it, specifically. I feel a little sheepish. I've never been one to tout my writing un-ability.

I guess I'll include it on my anniversary post. It's a good one and I think he would have liked it.

One Hell Of a Guy
Friends gather round and raise high your glass,
For Pepper, our friend, who so recently passed.
Through the door he would come bursting with laughter and cheer,
Spreading the smiles and joking with everyone near.
Put here with us to protect, guard and serve,
Let us pay him the respect that such a man should deserve.
Let us remember good times; laugh, shake our heads and sigh,
And drink to the memory of one hell of a guy.
-For Pepper- August 22, 2006
Thanks for the memories, Kamikaze King.

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