Lori N Ty

Taking single "momhood" one long day at a time....on a cattle ranch, in a town where your next door neighbor knows what you are doing before you do, all the while being so broke it's not even funny.

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Location: Oregon, United States

I raise my boy alone.I live within a mile of my parents, who have been married for 30+ years,and 3 doors down from my little sister.My family is my rock.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Snow Day #2

Granted, it's not THAT much snow. The boy is already sick of not being able to wear his vest to show off his pretty cowboy shirts and I am yelling at him approximately 5 times every 8.5 minutes to put his damned coat on!
My car, wonder that it is, is no match for the heavy, wet snow that we have so my boss (and my dad) suggested I stay put until the plowing is done. Yesterday, I almost ate shit in the ditch a few times and I believe it may have afeared my dad a bit. He sent me home at 11:00, when I measured 6.5 inches of snow out front. Ok, Ok, I played on it a bit.
There is nothing like getting to be at home BY MYSELF. I know where the kid is. I know that he is being taken care of. And I can relax and enjoy my home without having to worry about what in the hell he is up to outside (kind of like I am at the moment). So, I watched some of the shows I had saved on DVR.
I saved one called Cathouse off of HBO. It is a show about the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada. I have traveled past it several times. Anyway, I figured it would be a look into the world and life of a prostitute. Not so much WHAT they do. But who they are and what they are dealing with. I've always been a reality TV whore and ever since my older sister's best friend worked at the Mustang Ranch under Joe Conforte, I've had a fascination with brothels.

My sister's friend, she was normal. Not an in your face, nymphomaniac kind of person. She is funny and laughs a lot. She was one of my favorite people when I was younger just because she didn't seem to mind when I hung out, but tried to include me and engage me in conversation whenever she could. I really liked her. And the thought that she was out there, selling herself to men, I could never wrap my mind around what sort of demons or thought process made that OK.
** Sidenote: My son was just STANDING out by the road, watching someone plow with a loader! Good God, he is going to kill me.**
Anyway, I've always wondered about girls who do this. Do they really think it is ok? Or is there some part of them, deep down, that is condemning what they do and telling them terrible things about their self-worth, all the while pretending to the outside world?
So, I settled in to watch it. And yes, I did get some of what I was looking for. An inside look at how a brothel-bound prostitute thinks and how it all works, but there was a bit more... skin than I was comfortable with. I kept fast-forwarding all the naughty bits (and they were full-on NAUGHTY bits of shots IN the girls room while she was *ahem* working), because really, who would want to get caught watching porn at 1:00 in the afternoon?
I don't think I'll be recording THAT again.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm not dead

Ahhh, spring in the high desert.

We've been the most grateful recipients of beautiful, spring-ish weather and today, I woke up to snow.

This weekend was going to be our annual take the kids and spoil them even more rotten weekend, but it will have to wait because Merce isn't going to take her new car out in rotten weather, even though it has 4WD. Not that I am over excited about traversing mountain passes in the snow, either.

Things are pretty quiet. I'm just rumbling along with the turnover of every day. The weather is wreaking havoc on my allergies, though. And to that point, I am miserable.

Babies everywhere. Not only of the bovine sort. There are currently two ladies pregnant who reside on the ranch with their significant others. Both are due in May.

I really don't have anything to write about. I'm boring.

Ty is on his yellow books, which are the 4th level of beginning readers. I am so proud of him. I hope that he loves books as much as I do. When you have a good book, you are never bored. He's coasting right along in school and I can only hope that his good attitude continues that way. We have book orders to go through again! Did I mention how much I love books?

I guess that's about it, I just wanted to put something in the space so that Valentine's day wasn't right at the top. I am bitter about romance, can anyone tell? hahaha.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Top Ten

Reasons why being single every day of the year is better than having a significant other on Valentine's Day!!

1: The bathroom is and always shall remain MY domain!
2: The entire bed is mine and I shall sprawl every which way, snoring as loud as I can and no one can say a thing!
3: I can eat a can of green beans with butter flavoring on it for dinner and my "significant other" is content with bologna and cheese, a banana and Top Ramen.
4: I have my own money. I get to do whatever with my money, whenever, without ever having to ask or OK it with someone.
5: I can sob openly at "Extreme Home Makeover" and Ty never makes fun of me.
6: Laundry. Need I say more? Having the kid's alone is enough. Men's underwear.
7: Flirting with anyone, anytime without any guilt.
8: Being left alone when I am on my period.
9: The freedom to roam where I may and not having to share holidays with families.
10:Exercising in my living room and flopping around like a beached whale, my son thinks I am cool and dancing. A MAN would be horrified, disgusted and hysterical and I would no longer do it, thus ruining my health for a man! (Although serious bouts of marathon sex would probably be enough exercise to keep me healthy. I would probably be happier, as a result.)

God, I hate Valentine's Day.

Happy Un-Valentines Day


Thursday, February 08, 2007


I totally posted about the spot on my neck that looks like someone put a cigarette out on it and Blogger ATE IT! The post, not my neck.

I went and had my moles cut off (4) and several froze/burned. I hurt and am rambling and irritated that my witty post from before has disappeared.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tickle me funny

Seriously, this is one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. I *heart* those girls at GoFugYourself.

Today is Thursday. This week, I have been shit on by a cat and ran over THAT cat's mother. And guess what else? That was in one day.

The kid caught some crap and was running fevers and coughing and hacking into the night for two days this week.

It seems my head is one perpetual ache.

My mom fell off a bike with TWO flat tires today and is regaling us all with minute by minute updates on the bleeding.

Fuck, I'm tired. And so glad that tomorrow is Friday.

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